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Keystone Connection News - SEPTEMBER 2023


Picture of the Month - Life in Keystone

A Note From Your Editor, C. Leonard

SEPTEMBER 2023 Fall is in the Air yet not without some Florida humidity and weather to go along with it! Soon it will be our best time of year!

We would love to highlight life in Keystone/Odessa much more. Please share your adorable animal - fam pictures or a great story about where you live! It is our goal to share more about our community and resident businesses.

It is our community effort to "Preserve Keystone/Odessa" for its beauty, rurality and our waters, it takes a team to work together respectfully. Want to get more involved? There are open board seats. Don't feel you have time to fill a board position? Join a committee! Sometimes a committee chair needs someone to make a call or run an errand or print something off or research something. There are many small tasks that, if more people help with them, will take off a lot of pressure off the larger item and it will get done quicker. Volunteer today! Email us at: Don't forget to please share hot news and topics, pictures of the area, recipes, and interview availability. Email

Please support our amazing Business Sponsors featured in this newsletter!


Thursday, September 28, 2023

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM General Meeting

at Keystone Civic Center Keystone Park

If you would like to help us set up please click button to email our meeting Chair!




by Clara Lawhead, Chair

1. MM-22-1638 This is the proposed support center at Gunn Hwy/Wayne Rd. This proposal was withdrawn,

2. RZ-STD-23-0443 (Gunn and Racetrack Road) was continued. The site at the SW Corner of Racetrack Rd / Gunn Hwy is currently zoned RSC-2 with 2.3 acres +/- . It has a Future Land Use designation of Residential-1 (RES-1), which allows for up to 1 dwelling unit per gross acre and is seeking commercial zoning. The County found the original application to be inconsistent and on June 8, 2023 found the new application inconsistent. A letter of opposition to the county on behalf of KCA was submitted to Optix.

LUHO Date: N/A ZHM Date: Oct. 16 , 2023 BOCC Date: Nov 7, 2023

3. SU-LE 23-0498 - This permit request will go directly to the Board of County Commissioners on Nov 7, 2023 at 9:00 AM 2nd Floor County Center 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa 33602 (virtual participation is available).

The application is for land excavation and shall be limited for the removal of a maximum of 3.3 million cubic yards of material, subject to approval of a Land Excavation Operating Permit in accordance with LDC, Part 8.01.00. The property is owned by Stephen Dibbs and is located on Lutz Lake Fern Road just west of the Suncoast Hwy. Interested parties contact for more information.

BOCC Date: Nov. 7, 2023 9:00 AM

Current Variance requests in place are:

1. VAR-23-0949 18825 Gunn Hwy, Odessa Florida. This variance request is to build an 8-foot surrounding wall system on all sides of the property. Current code (Part 6.07.00 Fences and Walls) allows for a 4-foot height on Gunn Hwy and 6 foot on the sides and rear. Virtual participation is available.

Public Hearing Date: 10/23/2023 at 10:00 AM

2. VAR-23-0602 –Application was heard at the July 31, 2023 Land Use Hearing.

Officer Meeting at 10:00 AM. 18430 Wayne Road, Odessa, Variance for fence height in front of the property from 4’ to 6’. The request met the criteria for approval and was approved.

3. Var-WS-0934 - The requested encroachment varies between 8-22 feet, with a total requested encroachment of 910 square feet. This is being requested for the construction of a swimming pool and deck. Section 4.01.07.

Update on Patterson Road Development

A note from our County Commissioner:

During this morning’s Land Use Meeting, the County Commission took up the matter of accepting the final plat for the Taylor Morrison project along Patterson Road. The matter was initially placed on the Consent Agenda, a typical practice for a plat acceptance.

However, due to all of the problems associated with this builder, Commissioner Wostal and myself removed the item from the Consent Agenda for discussion.

Commissioner Wostal sought clarification that the issue under consideration did not include aspects relating to compensation for the installation of oversized wastewater pipelines buried in the right-of-way. It did not.

I reminded the Board that this project has been extremely controversial and did not warrant approval at this time. I expressed several concerns including the uncertainty of how the pending court case, slated for mid-November, might further complicate matters. I stated that I feel the builder has been a poor neighbor and until a determination is made by the courts, I believed a delay was appropriate. Commissioner Kemp then expressed her agreement and made a motion to support a continuation. The motion was seconded, and the vote was unanimous, 7-0, continuing the matter until mid-December.

Thank you for continued support and vigilance.


Ken Hagan

County Commissioner

District 2

Patterson Road Case Information:

RE: Case Number: 22-CA-004745

Uniform Case Number: 292022CA004745A001HC

Steven Nordbeck, et al v. Hillsborough County, Florida, et al

Case Filed On: 2022-06-06

Postponed to Mid-November due to Hurricane Idalia

Location: 800 E. Twiggs Street, Tampa, Florida- Courtroom #500 JUDGE: Honorable Mark R. Wolfe


KEYSTONE CURRENT MONTH (link included to Hillsborough County Zone Hearing Maps Look Up).

To support or oppose the applications submitted your letters can be sent to:


Learn About The Zoning Process and See Available Resources : Click Here





by C. Lawhead

Your Keystone Civic Association President has been investigating means to reduce the truck traffic in Keystone. Working with various departments within the county network, it is becoming clearer that there are things that can be done to better control truck traffic. One means we are exploring is signage for "NO THRU TRUCKS OVER ONE TON CAPACITY." Truck traffic causes significant damage to county roads already falling below standards, safety issues, noise, dust, vibration, and other harmful effects. The Hillsborough County Truck Route Map is attached below. You can see that the approved truck route in Keystone is very limited. Enforcement is the next area of concern and investigation. I will keep you appraised of what is being learned and ways that you can assist with this project.

Hillsborough County, Florida - Code of Ordinances, Part A Chapter 50 - TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES


Sec. 50-78. - Definitions.

The following words and phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section.

Road shall mean a road, street, or highway or designated segment thereof in the unincorporated area of Hillsborough County, pursuant to F.S. Ch. 316.

Truck shall mean any motor vehicle designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property including but not limited to truck tractors, truck tractor semi-trailer combinations, dump trucks, stake-bed trucks, flat bed trucks, commercial vans and pick-up trucks of over one-ton capacity.

(Ord. No. 85-1, § 1, 1-24-1985)

Sec. 50-79. - [Compliance.]

It shall be unlawful for the driver of a truck to drive on a County road which is designated and posted restricting through truck traffic unless said truck is being driven to a destination on said road or to a destination on a road which is accessible only by travel over said restricted and posted road.

(Ord. No. 85-1, § 2, 1-24-1985)

Sec. 50-80. - [Signs.]

(a)Upon a determination by Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners that a County road be designated to restrict through truck traffic, said road shall be posted with signs declaring:


(b)Such signs shall conform to the uniform system of traffic control devices adopted by the Department of Transportation as mandated by F.S. Ch. 316.

(Ord. No. 85-1, § 3, 1-24-1985)

Sec. 50-81. - Penalty.

A violation of this article shall constitute a civil infraction and shall be punishable pursuant to F.S. Chs. 316 and 318.

(Ord. No. 85-1, § 4, 1-24-1985)

Sec. 50-82. - Severability.

If any section, phrase, sentence or portion of this article is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.

(Ord. No. 85-1, § 5, 1-24-1985)

Secs. 50-83—50-107. - Reserved.


Rural Life In Keystone

Picture of the Month



"Family Time"

Only in Keystone can you find furry family members taking a walk on the streets, a Goat and Donkey are very special family members in our amazing rural Keystone/Odessa community.






Tampa Bay Water Update

By Y. Stoker

The third and final meeting of the Tampa Bay Water (TBW) environmental ad hoc committee is on September 28.

As the KCA representative on this committee, I plan to attend this virtual meeting. TBW staff presented the short list of future water supply projects to the TBW Board in August, and the TBW Board will decide in November which of these projects will be included for feasibility projects.

These projects are summarized on this TBW web page:




FLORIDA NON PROFIT ALLIANCE Florida Nonprofit Alliance has provided the following information regarding resources for nonprofits in the wake of Hurricane Idalia. Hello Florida Nonprofits, We hope you are safe and taking care of yourselves. Florida Nonprofit Alliance hosted a check-in call for nonprofits affected by Hurricane Idalia. The meeting included a presentation from FEMA, a list of disaster funds and resources for your clients and communities. You can find the recording, slides and all other information here: For more information about Florida Nonprofit Alliance, click here: If you have any questions, please contact Veronica at Thank you for all you do for Floridians. Florida Nonprofit Alliance The mission of Florida Nonprofit Alliance is to inform, promote, and strengthen the nonprofit sector in order to create more vibrant communities across the state. To learn more about Florida Nonprofit Alliance, please visit FDACS is responsible for registering charities soliciting in Florida and provides information regarding registration, complaints, and financials for charitable solicitors. For more information on the requirements for registering a charity in Florida, please call 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) or 1-800-FL-AYUDA (352-9832) en Español.




By C. Leonard

Poo-fessional Recycled Organics Plans for Educational Seminars

Poo-fessional Recycled Organics, your keystone tree debris disposal site and compost farm, is planning to offer educational seminars focused on gardening and composting in the future. In an effort to ensure classes meet the needs of the community, PRO Inc would like your input on which topics would best serve keystone residents. Whether growing a food forest or simple seasonal vegetable garden, the goal is to provide hands-on education that brings families together, promotes healthy eating and fosters food independence.

Possible topics include: how to build raised beds, preserving and canning, soil nutrients and fertilization (organic and commercial,) composting animal manure at home, simple irrigation systems, persistent herbicides, and vermicomposting. If you have an idea that is not listed, please email it to

Please take a moment to complete the survey for this first-of-its-kind educational opportunity.

What Do You Want to Learn More About? Please VOTE for all items of interest.

  • How to build raised garden beds

  • Simple Irrigation Systems

  • Composting Animal Manure (horses, cows etc.) at Home

  • Persistent Herbicides

You can vote for more than one answer.




Support the Adopt A Road Project SIGN UP TODAY!

Kids come out and get your hours!

THIS MONTH! Let's show them how we work together in Keystone

to maintain its beauty!

OCTOBER 28, 2023 AT 7:00 AM, MEET AT KEYSTONE PARK! Please Register online on our Events Page : Adopt a Road Registration Or email us at to sign up!



'A Community Endeavor'

We have resident members who volunteered to spear head this project for our Keystone Marquee sign repair plan at Keystone Park. We have new letters received as you may notice on our next update! We can use volunteers to assist with organizing and supporting this effort. If you would like to be involved, join the committee to be a part of this project and are able to assist, please email us.

We need your help!




Two Churches celebrate over 100 years in the Keystone/Odessa Area!

Keystone United Methodist Church Celebrates

150 YEARS in our Odessa Community 2023

By C. Leonard

Keystone United Methodist Church has been a long standing member and supportive of the Keystone Civic Association. "KUMC" has a rich history steeped in tradition and desire to serve the Lord. Did you know, Keystone United Methodist church is one of the oldest organizations in Hillsborough County?

With their humble beginnings, the church began in 1868 having met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mobley. The presiding Elder was Reverend Coltier. Originally operating under the name “Rocky Creek”, the church was renamed Keystone United Methodist Church in 1885.

The official church building was a log cabin. Indicative of the times, men and women had separate front doors and sat on different sides of the room. That’s hard to believe when you see the wonderful family-oriented congregation now!

As the church continued to grow, a new and larger structure was built in 1914 and was later remodeled in 1955. The present sanctuary was built in 1971. To meet the growing needs they added a new wing with offices and classrooms in 1993.

Keystone United Methodist Church is truly proud to have maintained its historical impact on this area of Hillsborough County (Keystone/Odessa) and are always there to share in God's Love for ALL his children through their services, children's activities, and events. To learn more about KUMC please visit their website at: Keystone United Methodist

Mt. Pleasant A.M.E. Church Celebrates 117 Years 2023 in our Odessa Community.


Community Updates


Did You Know...

About scholarship funding programs and credits?

By C. Leonard , submitted by C.Lawhead

Scholarship-Funding Organizations – Tax Credits for Contributions

Florida offers a dollar-for-dollar credit against specific Florida taxes to businesses and individuals making voluntary contributions to eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations. The purpose of these tax credits is to: · Allow private, voluntary contributions to nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations; · Expand education opportunities for children from families that have limited financial resources; · Allow students subject to violence or bullying at school to apply for transportation to another school or to attend an eligible private school; and, · Enable children to achieve a greater level of excellence in their education. To learn more about these programs, visit: · Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program for Commercial Rental Property o Authorizes the tenant of commercial rental property to make private, voluntary contributions to an eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organization and receive a credit against the state sales tax due on rent or license fees for the property. · Hope Scholarship Program o Allows the purchaser or owner of certain motor vehicles to designate the lesser of $105 or the state sales tax due at the time of purchase or registration to an eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organization participating in the Hope Scholarship Program. · Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program o Allows taxpayers to make private, voluntary contributions to eligible nonprofit scholarship-funding organizations and receive a dollar-for-dollar credit against the following Florida taxes: § corporate income tax; § excise tax on liquor, wine, and malt beverages; § gas and oil production tax; § insurance premium tax; and § sales and use tax due under a direct pay permit.



From : Cindy Stuart

Hillsborough County Clerk of Court and Comptroller

The FBI reports property and mortgage fraud is one of the fastest-growing white-collar crimes in the United States.

Unfortunately, property fraud has become a real threat to homeowners in Hillsborough County.

The Hillsborough County Clerk of Court and Comptroller offers a FREE property fraud alert that notifies you whenever a document is recorded in Hillsborough County using your name or business name.

It takes five minutes to sign-up to protect your investment. Property Fraud Alert

Hillsborough County Clerk of Court and Comptroller Cindy Stuart is making it a priority to educate all homeowners in our county about this free tool.

Clerk Stuart or a Clerk representative would like to take this opportunity to speak at your event or to your group. If you are interested in this type of presentation (20 mins maximum with Q/A session) please contact Tiffany Embden or Robert Russ at




A Message from Nadia Combs, School Board Member, Chairwoman. District 1, Hillsborough County Public Schools

I want to thank Keystone Association for allowing me to come in and discuss the boundary changes that will be implemented in the 2024-2025 school year.

Our schools and programs are thriving in this area. If you know of anyone who has questions regarding boundaries, school choice, or anything else, please let me know.

I have lived in District 1 for 30 years and moved to Odessa 7 years ago. I am proud to represent and be an active member of Keystone Civic Association. If there is anything you need, please email me at: or 813-263-2088.





Join us for upcoming Events hosted by Keystone United Methodist Church!



SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th | 9 AM - 2 PM Handmade holiday items, bake sale, food for purchase and gift basket raffle. To reserve a vendor booth, contact the church office at 813.920.5153. Space is limited, sign up now to save your spot!


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th | 5 PM - 8 PM Bring all your ghouls & goblins! Costume & trunk contests! Games, pizza & candy!


! Save the Date !

Next Barns and Beer Fest is

FRIDAY, November 3, 2023 7PM -10:30pm **VIP 6PM** 9612 Crescent Drive Odessa, FL 33556

We invite everyone to come out and enjoy!


Get involved with KCA


Below is a list of our Committees. If you are interested to be more involved with KCA, we would love to have your support by joining one of our committees below.

Simply click the link to directly Email the Committee Chair to SIGN UP or for inquiries! It is our goal to make "communications" easy for our members.


Have any Questions? Please Email Us.


General Meeting will be September 28, 2023 at

Keystone Civic Center- Keystone Park - Large Meeting Room

6:30 PM Social 7:30 PM Meeting Start.


Thank You to our Keystone Business Sponsors for their continued support!

Interested in supporting KCA by becoming a Business Sponsor?


Key Upcoming Dates

September 14, 2023 KCA Board Meeting

September 28, 2023 Tampa Bay Water Committee Meeting

September 28, 2023 KCA General Membership Meeting

October 12, 2023 KCA Board Meeting

October 14, 2023 Keystone UMC Craft Fair

October 26, 2023 KCA General Membership Meeting

October 28, 2023 Keystone UMC Trunk or Treat

Committee Meetings: TBD by Chairs via email / phone


Membership Updates

Please be sure to keep your information up to date i.e. email, phone and address. Please include your spouse name in your membership information so we may acknowledge your family member(s). Renew or become a member Link Here

Have questions on membership OR if you have any updates to your email as this is the MAIN source to contact you please contact us at or via the website inquiry, someone will respond as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience. Soon the instructional info on how to access documents for review, and how to navigate your membership portal account, will be emailed directly to paid resident members.


You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

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