Keystone Civic Association
Supporting local special projects that advance the vision of Keystone.
Keystone Civic Association supports local citizens and organizations with a worthy cause by funding several community needs-based grants. KCA grants are awarded based on merit and are available up to a maximum of $500.00. The KCA board will review all submissions and present to membership for vote. We will notify applicants once membership has determined award status.
"We seek to exemplify the KCA mission; KCA seeks to promote civic improvement and social benefits, together with promotion of the interests, welfare and ideals of the Keystone community." We want to elevate local individuals and groups that educate our children, support local clubs and philanthropies and those groups that work to protect the rural lifestyle of Keystone.
Protecting and preserving the rural residential character of Keystone is our priority.
If you or your organization have a worthy community project that benefits Keystone residents of any age, please consider completing an application for your project. Please complete the grant application below as it will be emailed directly to our BOD for review or you may print your application and mail to our address below:
Applications should be submitted electronically via the form below, or via US Postal Services to Keystone Civic Association, P.O. Box 95, Odessa, Florida 33556.

Meet our Grant Recipients
Odessa Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.
Walker Middle School Walker Ag Club garden and animal habitat
Hammond Elementary School (2) water station 2019 and Canopy Project 2021
American Legion Post toward new roof
Hillsborough County Parks Conservation Security Cameras (Lake Park)
Keys to Kindness Scholarships for Keystone Children with financial needs
Odessa Wranglers 4H
Keystone Prep Greenhouse project
African Methodist Episcopal Church
MT Pleasant AME Church Restoration Project
Owls Nest Sanctuary 2023