Happy 2025 Neighbors! We hope your holidays were wonderful and the year is off to a great start! We've got a lot to cover, so grab a cup of coffee and settle in for some good reading about Keystone!
We have only a couple of months left until the March elections. Won’t you consider
running for a board seat? Our current board of directors (BOD) is having a very
productive year. For many of our board members and officers, it was their first time
serving on the board.
We began our term with vigor. First-time BOD members brought their “can do”
energy and we were off and running. Our membership has grown and the vibe at
the general meetings seem to suggest we are doing something right. Many of the
BOD members will be running again. With the knowledge we have gained, and
experiences incurred; we hope to continue our success toward making the KCA the
best civic organization around!
If you don’t have the time to be a board member, please consider volunteering.
Look at the list below and pick out a couple of things you would like to help with.
Most of our board members hold a full-time job and have families as well. We need
help. For example, Coffee with a Cop is a great activity for someone who is
available in the morning. To show our appreciation for our Keystone first responders
we dropped food off at the fire station and met with deputies for breakfast. We will
not be able to continue with this activity without some outside help.
There are so many wonderful people in our Keystone community. We know
Keystone is special and we are privileged to reside here. Please do what you can.
Thank you,
Jane Whitehurst and the KCA Board of Directors
Community Activities
Ice cream social
Social meet up at 3 Brothers
Bingo at the American Legion
Coffee with a Cop / Food delivered to the HCSO Team
Back to school supplies for underprivileged students
Adopt a road cleanup
Holiday food drive for Hammond Elementary and Walker Middle
Keystone Unted Methodist Church - food drive promotion and participation
Volunteering with American Legion for their Christmas drive
Keystone United Methodist Church Trunk or Treat
KCA grants awarded
Spring Fling April 6, 2024
Fall Festival November 2, 2024
General Meetings
Valerie Harwood - Microbiologist for USF
Sean Parks - Expert in community plan
Riley Maseda - Simple irrigation for your lawn and plants
Political forum at American Legion - Meeting Hillsborough candidates
Protecting Keystone
Keystone is EXEMPT from the HC/CPA 23-18- Rural Area Utilities Policies
Beginning with attendance at the April 8th Planning meeting downtown, May 9th BOCC meeting presentations, a public meeting in Keystone, numerous emails from the community, presentations at Planning BOCC meeting and final presentations to Hillsborough County BOCC on August 8, 2024, we were able to exempt Keystone from the HC/CPA 23-18 - Rural Area Utilities Policies amendment.
Keystone VICTORY on Live Local Act application on Van Dyke / Tobacco Rd:
In June 2024 we found out a Live Local Act (LLA) application was in place for the property at the corner of Van Dyke/Tobacco road. From the many emails sent from the Keystone community, a Fox News story on-site, and presentations to Hillsborough County BOCC, the county made the determination that Plan Developments (including this Keystone site) were exempt from the Live Local Act on September 10, 2024.
Tobacco Road resurfacing from Hutchinson Road to Van Dyke: Road-CIP 69684198 was DEFEATED
Due to public protest from the Keystone community for a project that not only went against our community plan but ballooned to over $6.6 million. The project was cancelled December 16, 2024.
We are updating our Keystone-Odessa Community Plan (KOCP)
There is enormous growth in the southern part of Hillsborough County and we want to be PROACTIVE to strengthen our existing KOCP. We have a committee formed existing of those who helped craft the original KOCP, as well as those with knowledge of land use codes and current county laws.
A survey has been created to get feedback from the entire Keystone-Odessa community. This survey is found on the Keystone Civic Association website. We ask EVERYONE in Keystone-Odessa to fill out this survey so we can incorporate the feedback into the updated KOCP. Take the survery here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VN36YDX
This may be one of the MOST important things we accomplish in the coming year as it will help shape the future of our beautiful, rural Keystone.
We are looking for folks to represent their street or area in Keystone so we can help get information out to the entire community. Perhaps you already have a network started! For example - you live on a Lake or a street or a neighborhood area.... Like Lake Church, Boy Scout Rd, Crawley Rd, Keystone Lake, Patterson Rd. We need you to help spread the word about our KOCP survey and other important issues! Knock on doors, pass out flyers or text the neighbors that you know. We do not have a database and are trying to get one started.
Interested in representing your area? Please email kcamembership@keystonecivic.org

Thursday, January 23rd
General Membership Meeting 6:30 Social / 7:00 Start
Agenda: Bylaw amendment votes (see end of post for details of changes proposed)

Saturday, February 22nd | Adopt-A-Road Cleanup on Gunn |
Thursday, February 27th | Membership Meeting KOCP Survey Results |
Thursday, March 27th | Membership Meeting Elections |
Thursday, April 24th | Membership Meeting |
Saturday, April 26th | Annual Spring Fling at Keystone Park |

“Do it right, be proud of doing it right.”
Interview with Trish Lawton on June 1, 2024
Mr. James Ward Carper, a cherished member of the Keystone community, entered eternal rest on January 3, 2025. “Jim” born September 2, 1945 was well known as a dedicated volunteer to many local philanthropic groups and could often be found calling Bingo for the American Legion, collecting used eyeglasses for the Lions, rallying support for the Keystone Civic Association as well as his church, KUMC or enjoying his boat. If you ever interacted with Jim, you know he was an unassuming, generous man. He was also a highly decorated combat veteran. I hope his wife, Gloria, their two sons and three grandchildren rejoice in his humble recollections and that Jim’s zest for life will sustain them and inspire you.
At age 4, Jim and his parents relocated to Tampa a few years after his father, a WWII veteran, was discharged from service. They lived on a dirt road near present day Raymond James Stadium, the street also housed a pig farm and junk yard. He had fond memories from his youth from storming through the woods with friends to playing in a giant 10ft drainage ditch near his home by what is now St Joe’s Hospital. He worked with his Dad who owned a TV repair business. One of the most influential people in his life at the time was his maternal grandmother whom he labeled phenomenal perfectionist. He worked for her a few weekends a month and she epitomized do it right and be proud of doing it. Jim graduated from Chamberlain High School in 1963. His dad was adamant about Jim not having his own business due to the grueling demands. Jim first attended USF to study engineering but described himself at the time as having no clue about where he was going or what he was doing. He also said, “I’ve been extremely fortunate that a litany of good things happened quite by accident.” Ultimately, I think he had a good attitude and a good work ethic.

In February 1966, Jim reported for service, got inducted, swore allegiance to country and flag and was put on a train to Ft Benning holding a packet containing all the papers for his fellow recruits due to having had some college. He immediately hated the cold GA winter. He then attended Infantry AIT at Armor School Combat Arms Training at Ft Knox, KY. Somewhere at the end of basic the Army was seeking members for Officer Candidate School and Jim w accepted. He was the acting armor NCO for training on the 90 mm gun. He was also qualified on the M14 rifle, M60, .50 cal, and a M2 grease gun that tankers carry. His instructor duties continued while waiting for orders to OCS at Ft Sill, Oklahoma. He recalled taking leave to come home to FL but had to return via a bus due to an airline strike and got as far as Brooksville when the wheels on the bus rolled off. At Ft Sill, he learned to grind through tough physically demanding training where you often got punished whether mistakes were yours or others.
Jim woke up a couple days prior to receiving his commission, worried about his increasing responsibilities, waiting to execute his orders to Ft Gordon to be an instructor when he received orders to Vietnam. He was sent as a Forward Observer with the 25th Infantry and referred to Vietnam as a black hole. He initially spent seven months, a lifetime in his words, in the jungle with Alpha Company. He was able to take 10 days of R & R in Hawaii with Gloria but said, “he remembers being in a fog.” At that point, he already had a Bronze Star with Valor and two Purple Hearts. He returned to his unit and they rotated him out of the field to an artillery battery as the XO (Executive Officer), he stayed two days and asked to go back to the jungle. He became the Battalion Liaison Officer and stayed there to the end of the year. He then received another Bronze Star and the Silver Star. Jim said, “Every day I woke up thinking I was going to die.” For those of you unfamiliar with military awards, the Silver Star is the third highest military combat decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Armed Forces.
When changing topics, Jim chuckled heartily when I asked about his beloved wife. A good friend of Jim’s dad owned Skate World on Busch Blvd. He went over there one night that they were playing music with Go-Go dancers. He approached his friend Lee and asked about this one cute girl. His friend told him, “you don’t want to know, she’s a good girl” but nevertheless he learned her name. Jim promptly said, “Hey Gloria, you going to ask me to dance?” She didn’t ask right then but they did eventually dance together. Jim and Gloria built a beautiful life together. He eventually graduated USF with a degree in Natural Sciences in 1973 and Gloria her BSN from UT. They moved to Keystone Odessa in the late 70s. Jim had initially wanted to be a veterinarian but ultimately his passion for animals led him and Gloria to opening and operating a pet store for twenty-five years. They enjoyed camping and then raising kids as well as lots of animals from dogs, cats, rats, gerbils, and birds.
Jim served both his nation and our Keystone community with honor. He led with a moral compass and a servant’s heart. Please write down Jim Carper’s name on your calendar so that you may remember him today but also on Veteran’s Day. It was such a pleasure to know Jim even for just a moment, may he always be remembered.
Thank you to Trish for writing this wonderful account of his life.
JAN 23 General Membership Meeting - For Review and Vote:
Section 1. Membership shall be individual, family or business. A voting member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have her or his primary physical address (personal or business) located within the Keystone boundaries. The KOCP boundaries will serve as KCA membership boundaries. An individual membership shall have one (1) vote, a family membership shall have (2) votes, and a business membership shall have (1) vote.
The current bylaw:
Section 1. Membership shall be individual, family or business. A voting member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have her or his primary address (personal or business) located within the Keystone boundaries. An individual membership shall have one (1) vote, a family membership shall have (2) votes, and a business membership shall have (1) vote.
The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:
Section 1. Membership shall be individual, family or business. A voting member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have her or his primary physical address (personal or business) located within the Keystone boundaries. The KOCP boundaries will serve as KCA membership boundaries. An individual membership shall have one (1) vote, a family membership shall have (2) votes, and a business membership shall have (1) vote.
• The rationale for offering the amendment:
To define the KCA membership boundaries. By clarifying they are the same as the Keystone
Community Plan boundaries, it will assist membership chair and treasurer when new
members join our organization. It also eliminates potential legal issues by having both KCA
membership and KOCP boundaries the same in regards to potential zonings. By adding the
word physical to primary address, it does not allow PO boxes to be used as a primary
address. By underlining or in regards to “individual, family or business”, it brings attention that you can only have one of these memberships as already established in the original bylaw.
Section 3. Dues are payable on an annual basis. The amount of the dues shall be established by the Board with the approval of the general membership.
• The current bylaw:
Section 3. Dues are payable on an annual basis due on January 1st and delinquent on March 31st. The amount of the dues shall be established by the Board with the approval of the general membership.
• The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:
Section 3. Dues are payable on an annual basis. The amount of the dues shall be established by the Board with the approval of the general membership.
• The rationale for offering the amendment:
Historically we have made dues due on an annual basis based on the date a member joins.
Example: a member joins in June, therefore their dues are payable the following June.
Section 1. The Governing Board (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and up to nine (9) directors. There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote. The immediate past President following his/her term of office shall fill the position of ex-officio, with voting privileges, for a term of one (1) year. In the event the current President succeeds to another term, the past President may serve as a Director for an additional year.
• The current bylaw:
Section 1. The Governing Board (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and up to nine (9) directors.
The immediate past President following his/her term of office shall fill the position of ex-officio,
with voting privileges, for a term of one (1) year. In the event the current President succeeds to
another term, the past President may serve as a Director for an additional year.
• The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:
Section 1. The Governing Board (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) shall
consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and up to nine (9)
directors. There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of
Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote. The immediate past President following his/her term of office shall fill the position of ex-officio, with voting privileges, for a term of one (1) year. In the event the current President succeeds to another term, the past President may serve as a Director for an additional year.
The rationale for offering the amendment:
Per Article V Board of Directors found in the 1988 Articles of Amendment, the affairs of this
corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than 5 directors.
Section 3. A Quorum of the board must be present in order to conduct any business that
requires a vote. (A Quorum is calculated by counting half of the members present plus
one). There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of
Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote.
Virtual/Electronic meetings are allowed.
• The current bylaw:
Section 3. A Quorum of the board is seven (7) members. A quorum must be present in order
to conduct any business that requires a vote.
• The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:
Section 3. A Quorum of the board must be present in order to conduct any business that
requires a vote. (A Quorum is calculated by counting half of the members present plus
one). There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of
Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote. Virtual/Electronic
meetings are allowed.
• The rationale for offering the amendment:
A quorum of seven (7) members is based on a total of 13 members present. By eliminating
the seven (7) members requirement, it allows for a true quorum to conduct meetings if less
than 13 members are on the board and present at meetings. We have held ZOOM meetings
and had board members call in to participate in past meetings. The bylaw qualifies that
virtual/electronic meetings are allowed.