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URGENT ACTION NEEDED BY 9/6 - Please Email Commissioners: LDC-24-1055 Live Local Act

Dear Keystone,


The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) are voting on 9-10-2024 on the proposed criteria and requirements for Land Development Code LDC 24-1055. This still needs to be finalized! We need your help to exempt Planned Developments (including Keystone-Odessa) from Live Local Act (LLA).


This proposed amendment (attached) to the Land Development Code (LDC) will update the Live Local Act (LLA) provisions recently adopted in the LDC. The intent of this amendment is to modify and clarify the criteria and requirements for projects that qualify under the LLA in the County, specifically exempting land zoned Planned Developments (PDs) from qualifying for LLA projects.



Below is a list of email addresses and sample letter for you to use to make things as easy as possible. Also you will see a two page document of LDC 24-1055 Live Local Act (LLA) Projects Criteria and Requirements, PART 6.03.00 - SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DESIGN STANDARDS.

Thank you in advance for your time and action. We must continue to fight and protect our Keystone Odessa community!  


Regina Hernandez

KCA Director

Land Use Committee Chair




Date: 8/28/24

Subject: LDC24-1055 Live Local Act (LLA) Projects Criteria and Zoning Requirements

To: Honorable Members of the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners

I am a resident of Keystone Odessa, Hillsborough County, Florida, and I respectfully request for you to EXEMPT Planned Developments (PDs) from the Live Local Act (LLA) Projects Criteria and Zoning Requirements as written in LDC 24-1055.

It is extremely concerning that while the Live Local Act offers free tax incentives for developers, the end result is residents of this county will be forced to fill the financial gaps created by these enormous tax breaks.

In LDC 24-1055 C-Zoning district where LLA projects are allowed. 1. Land currently zoned for commercial uses (BPO, OR, CN, CG, CI, or M zoning districts), industries uses (M zoning districts) or mixed-use.

OR (Office Residential) does not fall into LLA zones of commercial, industrial and mixed-use zones and should be exempt from LDC 24-1055.

In summary, both PD and OR zone properties should be exempt from the Live Local Act. Thank you for listening as we continue to our work to protect the Keystone Odessa community.





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