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Keystone Connection News - MAY 2023



A Note From Your Editor, C. Leonard

MAY - Memorial Day honor all of our Veterans!

Honor our all of our Veterans this Memorial Day. See story below

We would love to highlight life in Keystone/Odessa much more. Please share your adorable animal - fam pictures or a great story about where you live! It is our goal to share more about our community and resident businesses.

If we want to WIN against development it truly takes everyone living in our community to step in, help, and work together respectfully. Agree to disagree in the utmost respectful way, but keep in mind our common GOALS. Get involved if you want action. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Want to get more involved? There are open board seats. Don't feel you have time to fill a board position? Join a committee! Sometimes a committee chair just needs someone to make a call or run an errand or print something off or research something. There are many small tasks that, if more people help with them, will take off a lot of pressure off the larger item and it will get done quicker. Volunteer today! Don't forget to please share hot news and topics, pictures of the area, recipes, and interview availability. Email to:

"Unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." ~ Mattie Stepanek "There is more power in unity than division." ~ Emanuel Cleaver

Please support our amazing Business Sponsors featured in this newsletter!


Thursday, May 25, 2023


will be at Keystone Civic Center at Keystone Park


We will be serving food and non-alcoholic drinks & treats.

Veteran Members we request your presence at this meeting so we may Honor your services to our country & communities.

Please click the RSVP button below to confirm attendance.




by Clara Lawhead, Chair

The KCA Membership voted on March 23, 2023 that KCA is in opposition to the first three upcoming applications as they are not consistent with the Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan or the Keystone Odessa Community Plan:

1. RZ-STD 22-1431 was withdrawn on May 1, 2023, and resubmitted on May 2, 2023, as RZ-STD 23--0443. This is the proposed rezoning from RSC-2 (2 houses) to commercial zoning at Racetrack Rd and Gunn Hwy. The County found the original application to be inconsistent. A letter to the county on behalf of KCA will be submitted to be included in Optix.

2. RZ PD 22-1638 and has been continued to June 20, 2023 ZHM hearing at 6:00 p.m. This is the proposed recreational center at Gunn Hwy/Wayne Rd. The county has found this petition to be inconsistent. A letter to the county on behalf of KCA will be submitted to be included in Optix. The applicant has requested to meet with the BOD to present his plan at the next BOD meeting on June 8. Members who wish to listen may request to be a guest 24 hours in advance.

3. RZ-PD 22-1330 The applicant has withdrawn his application. This application was for a RV Park on Lutz Lake Fern Road the Stephen Dibbs Property.

4. SU-LE 23-0498 The application is for land excavation shall be limited to the removal of a maximum of 3.3 million cubic yards of material, subject to approval of a Land Excavation Operating Permit in accordance with LDC, Part 8.01.00. The property is owned by Stephen Dibbs and is located on Lutz Lake Fern Road just west of the Suncoast Hwy.

The Variance requests in place now are:

1. VAR-23-0126 17896 Boy Scout Rd.

Request 900-1200 sq ft of living area above the barn. Based on the evidence and testimony submitted in the record and at the hearing, including the Development Services Department staff report and the applicant’s testimony and documents, there is substantial competent evidence demonstrating the requested variance for a 300-sq ft increase to the maximum amount of living space allowed in an accessory dwelling to allow 1,200 square feet of living space does meet each of the 6 criteria in Section 11.04.02. of the Hillsborough County Land Development Code. VIII. DECISION Based on the foregoing, the applicant has satisfied the criteria for approval of the requested variance for a 300-sf increase to the maximum amount of living space allowed in an accessory dwelling to allow 1,200 square feet of living space, therefore the variance was APPROVED by the Land Use Hearing Officer. See document link below:

2. VAR-23-0005 Whirley Rd/Scott Rd - This application is out of order to be heard and is being continued to the June 26, 2023, Land Use Hearing Officer meeting. Fence in violation of code 4' in front 6' on side/back.

3. VAR-23-0395 the Great Wall of Gunn is being reviewed at June 26, 2023 at 10:00 AM, Land Use Hearing Officer Meeting. This application is applying again to install an 8’ fence entirely surrounding the property on Gunn Hwy and Tarpon Springs Road of an estate currently being built on 33.57 Acres +/-.The current code allows for 4’ fence in front and 6’ fence on the sides of the property.

To support opposition of the applications letter(s) can be sent to:


County Connections To Tomorrow

Engagement Opportunities (as shared on last month newsletter)

Tuesday | 05.16.23 | 6:30 pm | Future Land Use Update Public Engagement Meeting #2 (in person) | Brandon Park & Recreation Center, 502 E Sadie St, Brandon 33510 | Topics include: centers and connections, transit-oriented development, and commercial locational criteria | Questions? Contact Andrea Papandrew

Tuesday | 05.23.23 | 6 pm | Future Land Use Update Public Engagement Meeting #3 | Register for this virtual meeting | Topics include: centers and connections, transit oriented development, and commercial locational criteria

Thursday | 10.18.23 | 5:15-8:15 pm | Save the date and plan to join us for the Planning Commission's 41st Annual Planning & Design Awards presented by TECO | Hosted by Brendan McLaughlin at the Bryan Glazer Family Jewish Community Center | Tickets go on sale in September | Call for Entries | Become a Sponsor


Memorial Day History



Honor our Amazing Veterans

submitted by C. Leonard

(information from History Channel)

Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2023 will occur on Monday, May 29.

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War II, The Vietnam War, The Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For decades, Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, the date General Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day. But in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. The change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday.

Cities and towns across the United States host Memorial Day parades each year, often incorporating military personnel and members of veterans’ organizations. Some of the largest parades take place in Chicago, New York and Washington, D.C.

Americans also observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries and memorials.

Support our Local American Legion Post 147 on Memorial Day! Remember to THANK our Veterans for their oath / dedication to our country and service!


Rural Life In Keystone

Picture of the Month




A song we could sing... Only in Keystone can you find a protected vibrant turkey wandering through the streets along with the amazing display provided to us from Mother Nature!





by Clara Lawhead KCA is granting wishes!

The KCA has been granting wishes for the past two years in an innovative approach to meeting community needs. Last year the grant project funded six projects and this year five organizations applied and were funded.

Each KCA grant is awarded for up to $500.00. Recipients included: Odessa Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.; Walker Middle School Walker Ag Club garden and animal habitat; Hammond Elementary School (2) water station 2019 and Canopy Project 2021; American Legion Post toward new roof; Hillsborough County Parks Conservation Security Cameras (Lake Park); Keys to Kindness Scholarships for Keystone Children with financial need; Odessa Wranglers 4H; Keystone Prep Greenhouse project; African Methodist Episcopal Church, MT Pleasant AME Church Restoration Project; and Owls Nest Sanctuary.

If you or your organization has a worthy community project that benefits Keystone residents or inhabitants, please consider making an application for your project. Go the Keystone Civic Association Website and complete the online grant application: Community Grant Opportunities - KCA . You can submit it online or sent it to: If you have any questions, please call me at 813-376-0474 for more information. We are so pleased to be able to offer this opportunity for our Keystone community.




Gator Mating Season Alert Due to Drought

Submit by Jan Nelson

From Keystone Lake Update : We have lived on the lake for 30 years, boating and swimming and have seen 2 small live gators and 1 large dead one in the weeds. We do not swim at dawn or dusk as that is when they travel.

It is currently mating season which makes them more active and visible. I would call the hotline if you feel the gators are posing a threat. They will sent out a licensed trapper to catch the gator(s). It is not recommended to do it yourself.

Check out this website:

A gator has to pose a threat to people, pets or property Hot line : 866-392-4286



by Krys Wloch, Chair KCA ERC Committee

National Fitness Day in the U.S. is celebrated on the first Saturday of May — on May 6 this year, right after Cinco De Mayo. The day was founded by famous life- and career coach Kim Bielak in 2017 to dedicate a whole day to the importance of fitness


Fitness in the U.S. during the Early National Period was influenced by Europe. Immigrants brought many aspects of their culture into the country, including Swedish and German gymnastics. It was in the 1800s that the idea of good health and fitness gained popularity. Since then, the United States took a huge step forward in terms of fitness in the 20th century. As sugars and fats increased in the diets of people due to the commercialization of food products, fitness became a prominent concept because people were becoming more aware of their health. Activity levels and food intake became measurable and thus controllable.

Early U.S. presidents also knew about the need for fitness and exercise. Benjamin Franklin recommended regular physical activities like swimming, running, etc., and Thomas Jefferson believed that fitness was a necessary requirement for a healthy life. Dr. J.C. Warren, a Harvard University medical professor, became a significant proponent of physical activities towards the end of the 18th century. Catherine Beecher was another important figure who devised fitness programs for the needs of women specifically.

During the 1950s, many organizations took up the challenge of educating people about the consequences of an unhealthy body. Various agencies have been involved in promoting fitness since the 1950s, including the American Medical Association (AMA), American Health Association (AHA), and President’s Council on Youth Fitness and American Association for Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAPHERD). Although Kim Bielak is credited with starting National Fitness Day in the U.S., numerous fitness days have been around before this. A noteworthy celebration of such a day is the one that was held in London’s Covent Garden in 2014.


Support the Adopt A Road Project

UPCOMING DATE IS JUNE 24, 2023 AT 7:00 AM, MEET AT KEYSTONE PARK! You may also Register online on our Events Page : Adopt a Road Registration


Keystone Business Highlight



Click the logo to visit Three Brothers website for their menus and information

By C Leonard - from Three Brothers website


Family is of utmost importance to Three Brothers Pizza. They strive for each and every guest to feel like family the moment they walk in the door and we are dedicated to providing an incomparable experience to every person we have the privilege of serving. By providing the best service possible; using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients; and making all dishes in house, we want our guests to feel right at home with every bite of Pizza. All dishes are homemade, fresh, and never store bought. You are important to us and we only use the best for our family!


Eight years ago, Sean and Nick met and formed a bond over their shared desire to create something bigger than themselves that would aid them in giving back to the community. When the opportunity presented itself they jumped at the chance and opened their very first shop in Odessa on May 29th 2015.

Starting with a small shop that held 5 small tables, Sean and Nick worked harder than ever creating a place that not only serves some of the best food in Florida but also creating a place where families could break bread together in a comfortable environment. A year later, they expanded the restaurant to include a full dine-in side with 11 tables and a bar serving beer and wine.

With a passion to reach even more areas, Keith came on board providing the tech and artistic knowledge needed for Three Brothers to expand. A combination of ingenuity, strength, and a genuine desire to create a multifunctional brand led to the opening of our second location in Palm Harbor and two other businesses- Tree Brothers Christmas.

We look forward to expanding the Three Brothers brand even more, providing people with jobs, a family, and a brand that encompasses the ability to meet all of your needs!


“Caring for others creates the spirit of a nation” – Pat Nixon. It has always been our desire to give back to the community. Little did we know “the community” would become “OUR community”. Children Schools Churches Social Clubs Teams Hospitals Veterans Terminally ILL Families Charities Teachers The Elderly…..and more

We have dedicated ourselves to supporting, providing for, and taking care of our community through countless fundraisers, hospital visits, personal deliveries by the owners, donating to homeless shelters/food pantries and doing anything we possibly can when someone is in need. Having kids of our own, we understand how difficult things can get, so in an effort to bring some relief we began the program of giving 2 free slices of pizza to every child during this tough time. We believe that we are so much better as a community than as individuals and we want to take care of YOU the way you take care of us! We are incredibly grateful for your support and will do everything in our power to make sure your experience is unforgettable!

We THANK Three Brothers Pizza for their continued support of the Keystone / Odessa Community through the various events/meetings food was provided. Visit Three Brothers Pizza today, take a break from the kitchen and enjoy an evening at their location or pick up for home!







We want to thank all of our Sponsors, Vendors, Volunteers, Event Committee, Chili Participants, Car Show Participants, and Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation (partnered with us) for a successful event.

We thank our amazing photographer Rob Mason of Rob Mason Photography who donated his time and talent for us to have these special memories!

We also send special thanks to our Hillsborough County Sheriffs Department Units for coming out for the big and little kids to enjoy! Mounted Patrol, Helicopter, Diving Unit, K-9 Unit, HCSO and Dept of Homeland Defense. It was an amazing afternoon for all to enjoy! Pictures of this event can be found under our EVENT>Gallery of Memories Page

CHILI COOK OFF WINNERS with bragging rights are:

SON OF A CHEF = Chili Cook Off Champion

ACE HARDWARE = Second Place Winner

KEITH MEVORAH = Third Place Winner


Save the Date Next Barns and Beer is Friday Nov 3, 2023.

We invite everyone to come out and enjoy!


Did You Know...

Healthy Recipe

Gluten Free Recipes

Chicken with Rosemary Butter Sauce

by C. Leonard Total Time 25 Minutes to make!


  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (6 ounces each)

  • 4 tablespoons butter, divided

  • 1/2 cup white wine or chicken broth

  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary


  • 1. In a large skillet over medium heat, cook chicken in 1 tablespoon butter until a thermometer reads 165°, 4-5 minutes on each side. Remove and keep warm.

  • 2. Add wine to pan; cook over medium-low heat, stirring to loosen browned bits from pan. Add cream and bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cook and stir until slightly thickened. Stir in rosemary and remaining 3 tablespoons butter until blended. Serve sauce with chicken.

  • 3. Serve with side of Jasmine Rice complimented by Glazed Carrots. Amazing quick dinner!


Get involved with KCA


Below is a list of our Committees. If you are interested to be more involved with KCA, we would love to have your support by joining one of our committees below.

Simply click the link to directly Email the Committee Chair and Co Chair to SIGN UP or for your inquiries! It is our goal to make "communications" easy for our members.


Have any Questions? Please Email Us.


General Meeting will be held this month May 25, 2023 at

Keystone Civic Center at Keystone Park - Large Meeting Room

6:30 PM Social 7:00 PM Meeting Start.


Thank You to our Keystone Business Sponsors for their continued support!

Interested in supporting KCA by becoming a Business Sponsor?


Key Upcoming Dates

May 11, 2023 KCA Board of Directors Meeting

May 25, 2023 General Meeting at Keystone Civic Center 6:30 PM

May 29, 2023 Memorial Day Holiday June 24, 2023 Adopt a Road 7:00 AM at Keystone Park

Committee Meetings: TBD by Chairs via email / phone


Membership Updates

Members may have been receiving emails from our New Membership system as we have been manually updating Expiration and Join Dates from the imported records. Accordingly we have been confirming your information is correct. If you have received an email identifying "Thank you for your subscription purchase" this means we have manually attached your original membership subscription to your account profiles. The link you receive will allow you to enter your account. Please keep your password saved somewhere.

Some members imported are showing "unpaid" as some renewals are past due. We will keep your account open for 30 days to allow time to "renew" / make payment toward your account(s). If we do not see a renewal or confirmation come through we will suspend access until such time renewal is received.

All Paid Subscribed KCA members have access to your account as well to the back office files (KCA Documents) to review previous membership meeting minutes and other pertinent information. We will be continually loading more information into the back office. Instructions will be provided in separate email to all Paid KCA Members on how to access this area and navigate.

Please note! At the present moment the system is having issues with Password Resets, therefore we are unable to reset passwords until the programming is fixed by the program vendor. It is in the works. If you have trouble logging in upon a "reset" we will keep your name on file to follow up once this problem is confirmed fixed. An email will be sent out to all members when it is confirmed with a New email reset to anyone awaiting access. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Be sure to keep your information up to date i.e. email, phone and address. Please include your spouse name in your membership information under "company" so we may acknowledge your family member(s). Renew or become a member Link Here

Have questions on membership OR if you have any updates to your email as this is the MAIN source to contact you Please Contact us at or someone will respond as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we complete this integral part of our integration .


You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

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