Picture of the Month - Life in Keystone
A Note From Your Editor, C. Leonard
JUNE ~ Summer has begun & July 4th is on the horizon.
Reminder we DO NOT have a General Meeting in JULY! At our June Meeting we will celebrate America's Independence Day!
We would love to highlight life in Keystone/Odessa much more. Please share your adorable animal - fam pictures or a great story about where you live! It is our goal to share more about our community and resident businesses.
It is our community effort to "Preserve Keystone/Odessa" for its beauty, rurality and our waters, it takes a team to work together respectfully. Agree to disagree in the utmost respectful way, but keep in mind our common GOALS. Get involved if you want action. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Want to get more involved? There are open board seats. Don't feel you have time to fill a board position? Join a committee! Sometimes a committee chair just needs someone to make a call or run an errand or print something off or research something. There are many small tasks that, if more people help with them, will take off a lot of pressure off the larger item and it will get done quicker. Volunteer today! Email us at: Don't forget to please share hot news and topics, pictures of the area, recipes, and interview availability. Email to:
"Knowledge is power, community is strength, and positive attitude is everything." ~ Lance Armstrong "There is more power in unity than division." ~ Emanuel Cleaver
Please support our amazing Business Sponsors featured in this newsletter!
Thursday, June 22, 2023
at Keystone Civic Center Keystone Park
We will be serving food and non-alcoholic drinks & treats.
If you would like to help us set up please click button to email our meeting Chair!
by Clara Lawhead, Chair
1. RZ-STD 22-1431 was withdrawn on May 1, 2023, and resubmitted May 2, 2023.
RZ-STD 23-0443- Rezoning Hearing Date: 07/24/2023, Time: 6:00 PM. The site at the SW Corner of Racetrack Rd / Gunn Hwy is currently zoned RSC-2 with 2.3 acres +/- . It has a Future Land Use designation of Residential-1 (RES-1), which allows for up to 1 dwelling unit per gross acre and is seeking commercial zoning. The County found the original application to be inconsistent and on June 8, 2023 found the new application inconsistent. A letter to the county on behalf of KCA will be submitted to be included in Optix.
2. RZ PD 22-1638 has been continued to July 24, 2023 ZHM hearing at 6:00 p.m. This is the proposed event center at Gunn Hwy/Wayne Rd. The county has found this petition to be inconsistent. A letter to the county on behalf of KCA was submitted and is included in Optix. The applicant has requested to meet with the BOD to present his revised plan at the next BOD meeting on July 13. Members wishing to listen may request to be a guest 24 hours in advance to
3. RZ-PD 22-1330 This application was withdrawn, it was for a RV Park on Lutz Lake Fern Road the Stephen Dibbs Property. See # 4 below.
4. SU-LE 23-0498 - This permit request will go directly to the Board of County Commissioners on August 8, 2023 at 9:00 AM 2nd Floor County Center 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa 33602 (virtual participation is available) . The application is for land excavation shall be limited for the removal of a maximum of 3.3 million cubic yards of material, subject to approval of a Land Excavation Operating Permit in accordance with LDC, Part 8.01.00. The property is owned by Stephen Dibbs and is located on Lutz Lake Fern Road just west of the Suncoast Hwy. If you are interested in learning more on this subject, the first Community Zoom meeting will be held on Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Members wishing to attend may request to be a guest 24 hours in advance to
Current Variance requests in place are:
1. VAR-23-0005 Whirley Rd/Scott Rd - Application is to be heard at the June 26, 2023, Land Use Hearing Officer meeting at 10:00 AM. Fence in violation of code 4' in front 6' on side/back.
2. VAR-23-0602 – Application to be heard at the July 31, 2023 Land Use Hearing Officer Meeting at 10:00 AM. 18430 Wayne Road, Odessa, Variance for fence height in front of the property from 4’ to 6’.
3. VAR-23-0395 - (Hearing date is TBD) The perimeter wall requested by the owners of the parcel at the eastern side of Gunn and Tarpon Springs Rd. has been rejected and the party must wait one year (August 2023) to reapply. This application is applying again to install an 8’ fence entirely surrounding the 33.57 acre estate property on Gunn Hwy and Tarpon Springs Road. The current Land Development Code allows for 4’ fence in front and 6’ fence on the sides of the property.
KEYSTONE CURRENT MONTH (link included to Hillsborough County Zone Hearing Maps Look Up).
To support or oppose the applications submitted your letters can be sent to:
Learn About The Zoning Process and See Available Resources : Click Here
The next Hillsborough County FLU - PAT (Future Land Use Project Advisory Team) meeting will be on August 8th at 5 PM
Submitted by C. Leonard
Clara Lawhead, KCA President is a member of this team and has been attending the team meetings which discuss the potential changes to Unincorporated Hillsborough County's Comprehensive Plan under the Future Land Use Section. This is VITAL to the future of our Keystone Odessa Community Plan which falls under the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan.
To learn more about the the FLU PAT Meetings and Unincorporated Hillsborough County Planning please click here: Plan Hillsborough
1. Survey Infrastructure Definition:
For the MetroQuest survey question on priorities (What is a priority for you? As we plan for new growth, consider what priorities are most important to you.)
a. Infrastructure & development - Using the existing man-made facilities and services (i.e. water and sewer lines, roadways, bridges, parks, fire stations, stormwater systems, etc.) needed to sustain industry, residential, commercial, and all other land use activities to the fullest extent of their ability.
For the MetroQuest survey question on inward growth (What should be in the plan? Rate each growth strategy as to how important or effective it can be to accommodate expected growth.)
b. Maximize existing infrastructure - Concentrate development and redevelopment in areas that can efficiently use public water, sewer, roads, etc.
2. Mapping information: Map Hillsborough Viewer 2.5 (
a. ELAPP and protected greenspace under environmental layer
b. Zoning and Future Land Use under planning layer
3. Does redevelop-able land include single family residential properties?
a. Yes, the redevelop-able lands include parcels with single family homes. They represent 51% of the redevelop-able parcels and 27% of the redevelop-able acreage. Their acreage ranges from 0.33 acres t0 103.85 acres. The average redevelop-able single family home parcel size is 0.9844 acres.
b. In terms of redevelopment criteria, they could meet one or more of the following:
i. The value of the single family home may be less than 50% of the value of the land
ii. Parcel has a more dense Future Land Use Type (Residential 4, Suburban Mixed Use)
iii. Single Family home was built before 1990 and sits on a lot greater than or equal to
0.333 acres
4. Transit Oriented Development Fixed Guideway Definition:
a. Fixed-Guideway Transit – A transportation facility (A) using and occupying a separate right-of-way for the exclusive use of public transportation; (B) using rail; (C) using a fixed catenary system; (D) for a passenger ferry system; or (E) for a bus rapid transit system.
5. Centers and Connections Map:
6. Commercial Locational Criteria Map:
7. County Context Classification Map:
8. Mobility Section of Unincorporated Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan: Hillsborough-County-Comprehensive-Plan.pdf (
9. SWIM Draft Tampa Bay Water Plan Update Upcoming Public Meeting: Draft Tampa Bay SWIM Plan Update | (
County Connections To Tomorrow
Engagement Opportunities
Public Engagement Meeting #4
Thursday, June 22 | 6:30 pm
Lesley "Les" Miller Jr. All People's Community Park & Life Center
6105 E Sligh Ave, Tampa, FL, 33617
Public Engagement Meeting #5 (Virtual)
Monday, June 26 | 6:30 pm
Rural Life In Keystone
Picture of the Month
Only in Keystone can you find a herd of healthy deer enjoying our rural sanctuary wandering through neighborhoods an amazing display provided to us from Mother Nature!
by Clara Lawhead KCA is granting wishes!
The KCA has been granting wishes for the past two years in an innovative approach to meeting community needs. Last year the grant project funded six projects and this year five organizations applied and were funded.
Each KCA grant is awarded for up to $500.00. Recipients included: Odessa Wildlife Rescue and Sanctuary, Inc.; Walker Middle School Walker Ag Club garden and animal habitat; Hammond Elementary School (2) water station 2019 and Canopy Project 2021; American Legion Post toward new roof; Hillsborough County Parks Conservation Security Cameras (Lake Park); Keys to Kindness Scholarships for Keystone Children with financial need; Odessa Wranglers 4H; Keystone Prep Greenhouse project; African Methodist Episcopal Church, MT Pleasant AME Church Restoration Project; and Owls Nest Sanctuary.
If you or your organization has a worthy community project that benefits Keystone residents or inhabitants, please consider making an application for your project. Go the Keystone Civic Association Website and complete the online grant application: Community Grant Opportunities - KCA . You can submit it online or sent it to: If you have any questions, please call me at 813-376-0474 for more information. We are so pleased to be able to offer this opportunity for our Keystone community.
Tampa Bay Water 2023 Long-term Master Water Plan Update
Submitted By: Yvonne Stoker, KCA Tampa Bay Water Committee Chair
Tampa Bay Water (TBW) is a regional wholesale water supplier to Hillsborough County, Pinellas County, Pasco County, and the Cities of Tampa, St. Petersburg, and New Port Richey. TBW is a non-profit, Special District of the State of Florida that currently (2023) serves about 2.5 million people. (
The three current water sources for this regional supplier are groundwater, surface water, and desalinated water from Tampa Bay. Below is a brief description of each source:
1. Groundwater is supplied by 13 wellfields, consisting of multiple wells in each wellfield. TBW is permitted to pump up to 120 million gallons per day (MGD) from these wellfields. Two wellfields are in the Keystone/Odessa area: the Cosme-Odessa Wellfield, and the Section 21 Wellfield (located in Lake Park). You have most likely noticed pumphouses distributed throughout Keystone and in Lake Park and Rogers Park. These and other wells are interconnected to a network of pipelines that carry the water to treatment facilities.
2. Surface water is supplied by the Hillsborough River, Alafia River, and the Tampa Bypass Canal. Water is pumped from these sources and is stored in a 15.5-billion gallon reservoir in South Hillsborough County. No surface water is directly supplied to TBW in the Keystone area.
3. A desalination plant located in South Hillsborough County is designed to produce up to 25 MGD of freshwater. Water from the three major sources is blended, treated, and distributed to the various government entities, who provide the water to their customers.
Although residents and businesses in the Keystone/Odessa area generally do not rely on water from TBW, it is important to understand that there have been impacts from water use withdrawals throughout the region. Prior to the formation of Tampa Bay Water in 1998, excessive groundwater pumpage from the Floridan Aquifer caused residential well failure, wetlands dehydration, and lowered lake levels ( In response to these impacts, permitted groundwater withdrawals were eventually reduced from 192 MGD to 90 MGD ( The reduction in pumping, and the addition of surface water and desalinated water sources has resulted in water-level recovery in many impacted area lakes and wetlands.
Florida’s population continues to grow, and projected growth requires planning for more water. TBW is currently evaluating about 11 projects on a shortened list of potential projects that could supply about 10-20 MGD additional water to its customers. The Keystone Civic Association was invited to participate in the Environmental Ad Hoc Committee as part of the 2023 Long-term Master Water Plan Update. I (Yvonne Stoker) am the current KCA representative on this committee and attended the second of three planned meetings of this ad hoc committee. During this meeting, TBW staff presented the potential projects under consideration. These are briefly described below:
I. Desalination and Brackish Water Supplies:
a. A new wellfield near coastal Pasco County would withdraw brackish groundwater and treat it with a desalination process. The resulting saline wastewater would be injected deep underground.
b. Expand the current desalination plant on Tampa Bay and increase its capacity
c. Pump brackish groundwater near the current desalination plant, blend with saline water at the plant.
II. Surface Water Supplies:
a. Create a new reservoir in North Pinellas County to store water removed from the Lake Tarpon outlet canal
b. Increase withdrawals from the Alafia River
c. Build a new reservoir and surface water treatment plant near Bullfrog Creek in Hillsborough County and begin to withdraw water from Bullfrog Creek.
III. Fresh Groundwater
a. A new wellfield in East Pasco County
b. Increase permitted withdrawals from the existing freshwater groundwater wellfields (including those in the KCA area)
c. Transfer permitted withdrawal rights from non-TBW wellfields in Pasco, S. Hillsborough, and other wellfields to TBW
d. Increase withdrawal from the South Hillsborough Wellfield by using Aquifer Storage and Retrieval.
IV. Reclaimed Water Source Options and Developmental Alternatives
a. Although specific projects did not make it through the screening process, TBW will explore potential direct and indirect uses of reclaimed water.
So, what’s next? These 11 potential projects will be presented to the Board of Tampa Bay Water on August 21. The Board will decide which projects will advance to the Feasibility Study phase. Current Board members are all elected officials: 6 County Commissioners (2 from each member County), and 3 elected City Officials (one from each City). This link lists the current TBW Board members:
The TBW environmental ad hoc committee will have its final meeting on September 28. At that time, the TBW Board will most likely have made its selection of the short lists of projects that will be funded for further study. If you have concerns about any of the proposed projects, I urge to you contact the TBW Board members, especially those who represent Hillsborough County (click name to reach them)
Storm / Hurricane Season Preparedness Tips & Information
by C. Leonard (repost )
Members and Residents of Keystone/Odessa area, it is that time of year where we must prepare for any emergent event that includes our Hurricane season. We hear it may be an active one. If you’ve lived here long enough you know we do have "no name" storms that are “rogue” and may impact suddenly with tornados or rushing rainfall. Herein this article we will provide some tips and information recommended on what you can do to prepare. County information is included below for Shelter information.
Tip #1: Protect your Large or Small Animals : Now is the time to prepare, purchase items of necessities for home or farm in case of power outages etc. Prepare for your animals / shelters, protection in the event of flooding if known in your area. It is recommended to develop an emergency “plan”, collaborate with your neighbors for any scenario. Know where you can move your horses, large or small animals, reach out to resources within our communities, local barns, veterinarian, etc. Assure food is stored in a high dry places in case of flood, use pallets to keep food or hay off ground etc. Have plenty of water stocked in case of electricity down time if you have a well. Suggested use plastic barrels to hold rain water is a great resource or unused tubs, coolers. Assure to have emergency medical supply kits ready in water tight containers in case of injuries. Appropriate veterinary medications etc.
Tip #2: Assemble Emergency Supplies for Home & Food for at least 5-7 days: Have plenty of non perishable Food and Water on hand. Fill bath tubs for use of toilets and washing. Baby Formulas/ Foods and supplies. Manual Bottle opener. Outdoor grill Propane/Charcoal, Cooler/Ice, Batteries, Battery operated Radio, Portable Device Electronic Charger, charged at all times. Flashlights, Chlorine disinfectant cleaner, Garbage bags, Medical Supplies, Refilled Medications (stock at least 60 days supply). Important Papers in water sealable bag such as : Home Insurance, Wills/Trusts, Birth Certificates, Health Insurance, Deeds, anything of value not replaceable. Your washing machine is also a great place to store photo albums or special items. Get Extra Cash Now. Insect Repellent & Sunscreen. If you have trouble with local pharmacies on your medications, there are alternates you can call for deliveries. Sand Bags, Wood for windows/doors. Generator. Tip #3: Assist/Protect Elderly/Disabled Neighbors: If you know of elderly or disabled neighbors, please include them in your neighborhood emergency plan, help guide them to prepare. Assure they have plenty of food, water, medications, and special needs are met. Prepare medication and physician lists. If in a flood zone, assist them to schedule pick up to a local shelter. Protect elderly if they do not have family around. If assistance is needed please contact our main KCA number for the Emergency Response team to do best to assist collaboratively.
Florida Disaster Evacuation Zone Map Page (click here)
County Shelter Locations
Shelters/ Evacuations: Hillsborough County Shelters are opened on an “as-needed” basis depending on the emergency. To stay informed on shelter locations and opening notifications, sign up for HCFL Alert. Openings will vary with each emergency.
The County operates 3 types of shelters during an emergency: (See included links for more info)
General Population Emergency Shelters
Pet Friendly Emergency Shelters
Special Needs Shelters : Sign Up Now! Click Here
Locations Defined by County:
General Population Emergency Shelters : These shelters are intended to provide immediate protection and save the lives of those in the path of a catastrophic and deadly storm. It’s important to have a plan – shelters are not resorts. If you do need to shelter in a County evacuation shelter keep in mind:
Evacuation shelters will not have cots, blankets or food for residents.
Bring water: one gallon per person, per day , Food: non-perishable, easy-to-prepare items, Bedding: pillows and blankets, Medications, medical items and supplies (hearing aids with extra batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes, etc.), Sanitation and personal hygiene items, Baby supplies (bottles, formula, baby food, diapers)
If you have specific comfort needs (i.e. special dietary or snacks), plan to get those items ahead of time.
Don't bring alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, weapons
Pet Friendly Emergency Shelters - For information about pet sheltering contact Pet Resources at (813) 744-5660.
Hillsborough County offers eight (8) pet friendly shelters. To shelter your pet in case of emergency you must bring:
Proof of current rabies vaccination and license for dogs and cats
Pet must be on a leash or in a carrier
A crate large enough for your pet to stand up and turn around. Cats need a crate large enough to contain litter and food/water
Bring all pet supplies to include: crate, food, water, litter, treats, cleaning supplies, medicines, etc.
You are responsible for the care of your pet while in the shelter
Cohabitation of pets and owners is not permitted
If you are unable to meet these requirements, please make other arrangements to shelter your pet. Learn more about pet disaster planning.
Link to Pet safety planning for a hurricane or other natural disaster:
Special Needs Shelters - We highly encourage to bring one caregiver to assist you at the shelter. All special needs shelters are pet friendly.
The County provides special needs shelters for residents whose medical condition may require the use of electrical equipment, oxygen, dialysis, or individuals with physical, cognitive, or medical conditions that may require assistance from medical professionals. Although special needs shelters provide more care than a general shelter, they DO NOT provide continuous bedside nursing, only assistance with daily functions and medical monitoring. What to bring to a special needs shelter: Bring your own medical equipment, special dietary foods, and supplies, including: medications, list of medications, wound care supplies, bedding, towel/washcloth, change of clothing, wheelchair/walker, personal hygiene items (soap, toothbrush, adult diapers, etc.).
If you believe you or someone you know may need a special needs shelter it is highly recommended you pre-register for the Special Needs Shelter Program before hurricane season. Follow these instructions to register for a special needs shelter.
Disaster assistance for Agricultural operations
Submitted by Clara Lawhead (2022 repost)
USDA offers a full suite of disaster assistance programs to help producers recover after disasters.
Livestock and perennial crop producers often have limited risk management options available, but there are several disaster programs for them. Key programs offered by USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) include:
The Livestock Indemnity Program and the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybee and Farm-raised Fish Program reimburses producers for a portion of the value of livestock, poultry and other animals that were killed or severely injured by a natural disaster or loss of feed and grazing acres.
The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) is available through the local Farm Service Agency. This risk protection includes crop production loss and tree loss for certain, eligible crops. Producers who suffer losses and are signed up for NAP are asked to report crop damage to their local FSA office, respectively, within 72 hours of discovering damage and follow up in writing within 15 days.
The Tree Assistance Program provides cost share assistance to rehabilitate or replant orchards and vineyards when storms kill or damage the trees, vines or bushes. NAP or Federal Crop Insurance often only covers the crop and not the plant.
The Emergency Conservation Program and Emergency Forest Restoration Program can assist landowners and forest stewards with financial and technical assistance to restore damaged farmland or forests.
It is also critical that producers keep accurate records to document damage or loss and to report losses to their local USDA Service Center as soon as possible.
Additionally, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can provide financial resources through its Environmental Quality Incentives Program to help with immediate needs and long-term support to help recover from natural disasters and conserve water resources. USDA can also assist local government sponsors with the cost of recovery efforts like debris removal and streambank stabilization to address natural resource concerns and hazards through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program.
On, the Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool, Disaster-at-a-Glance fact sheet (PDF, 1.4 MB) and Farm Loan Discovery Tool can help producers and landowners determine program or loan options. For assistance with a crop insurance claim, producers and landowners should contact their crop insurance agent. For FSA and NRCS programs, they should contact their local USDA Service Center.
To learn more, visit
We need help from a contractor / resident member for our Keystone Marquee sign committee with ability to assist in a structural assessment of the current condition, and repair plan for the Marquee sign at Keystone Park. If you are able to assist please email us.
Support the Adopt A Road Project
You may also Register online on our Events Page : Adopt a Road Registration
Keystone Business Highlight
Odessa Garden Center
Keystone Business Sponsor
By C. Leonard
Odessa Garden Center (OGC) is located at 2027 Gunn Hwy, Odessa, Fl 33556. When you visit their location it is like stepping into an outdoor Oasis that depicts beauty all around. This is a fun one-stop garden place to visit if you love the outdoors!
This is a Family owned and operated business in Keystone/Odessa serving the greater Tampa bay area. They take immense pride in their team of skilled, passionate, and customer-focused professionals who are committed to creating exceptional outdoor living spaces for clients. With a diverse range of expertise and backgrounds, the Odessa Garden Center team members work together to deliver top-notch results and ensure that every project exceeds expectations. They will bring your dream garden to reality!
Click picture to be directed to their website.
It is easy to spend a few hours as you walk through the lush landscape displays with a multitude of outdoor decor ideas igniting your creative side. OGC provides retail/wholesale Garden and Outdoor Living Enhancements as outdoor living is their specialty. Whether it be to build Pergolas, Pavilions, Outdoor Kitchens, Lighting, Fireplaces, Irrigation or install pavers OGC will provide what your vision desires. Recently, OGC expanded to develop their sister company called 'Quarryland'.
Quarryland is a retail/wholesale landscape and building supply company specialized in bulk landscape products as well as decorative imported pebbles, boulders, flagstone, stone veneer, artificial turf, pavers, travertine, statures, fire pits and many other outdoor building materials. This is located at 14024 State Road 54, Odessa, FL 33556. We highly recommend you visit Odessa Garden Center / Quarryland soon if you're planning on updating your outdoor oasis! They offer a 10% discount off purchase price to KCA Members.
We thank Odessa Garden Center for their support to KCA these years as a Keystone Business Sponsor and congratulate them on their expansion!
It's Summer !
Keystone Park & Recreation Center SIGN UP and Instructions for Activities/Programs
Submitted by Joe Monroe, Recreation Program Supervisor
HC Parks and Recreation Department
How to Register for Parks and Recreation Programs:
How to create and account:
1. Visit:
2. [Click] Register for Parks & Rec Activities
3. [Click] Login located in the blue heading
4. [Click] Please click here to register for a new account
5. Enter your information
6. Once you have created an account, you can click any of the pictures to register for programs Links:
Click on the pictures below or find these pictures on our website to register for programs:
After School- Traditional:
After School Adaptive:
Summer Camps:
Pickleball Lessons:
Tone & Stretch:
Keystone Shelters:
Toddler PE:
Parks & Rec Newsletter:
Save the Date Next Barns and Beer is Friday Nov 3, 2023.
We invite everyone to come out and enjoy!
Get involved with KCA
Below is a list of our Committees. If you are interested to be more involved with KCA, we would love to have your support by joining one of our committees below.
Simply click the link to directly Email the Committee Chair and Co Chair to SIGN UP or for your inquiries! It is our goal to make "communications" easy for our members.
Have any Questions? Please Email Us.
General Meeting will be held this month June 22, 2023 at
Keystone Civic Center at Keystone Park - Large Meeting Room
6:30 PM Social 7:00 PM Meeting Start.
Thank You to our Keystone Business Sponsors for their continued support!
Interested in supporting KCA by becoming a Business Sponsor?
Key Upcoming Dates
June 22, 2023 KCA General Membership Meeting
July 4, 2023 Independence Day Holiday
July 13, 2023 KCA Board of Directors Meeting
August 10, 2023 KCA Board of Directors Meeting
August 24, 2023 KCA General Membership Meeting
August 26, 2023 Adopt a Road 7:00 AM at Keystone Park --Sign Up
Committee Meetings: TBD by Chairs via email / phone
Membership Updates
Members may have been receiving emails from our New Membership system as we have been manually updating Expiration and Join Dates from the imported records. Accordingly we have been confirming your information is correct. If you have received an email identifying "Thank you for your subscription purchase" this means we have manually attached your original membership subscription to your account profiles. The link you receive will allow you to enter your account. Please keep your password saved somewhere.
Some members imported are showing "unpaid" as some renewals are past due. We will keep your account open for 30 days to allow time to "renew" / make payment toward your account(s). If we do not see a renewal or confirmation come through we will suspend access until such time renewal is received.
All Paid Subscribed KCA members have access to your account as well to the back office files (KCA Documents) to review previous membership meeting minutes and other pertinent information.
Please be sure to keep your information up to date i.e. email, phone and address. Please include your spouse name in your membership information so we may acknowledge your family member(s). Renew or become a member Link Here
Have questions on membership OR if you have any updates to your email as this is the MAIN source to contact you Please Contact us at or someone will respond as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we continue to clean up this integral part of our integration .
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.