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January Meeting: Vote for Bylaw Changes

KCA Members,

We hope you are having a great holiday season! As we enter into 2025, we would like to propose the following bylaw changes. Please review the below and plan to be there to vote at our first meeting of the year on Thursday, January 23rd!




Section 1. Membership shall be individual, family or business. A voting member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have her or his primary physical address (personal or business) located within the Keystone boundaries. The KOCP boundaries will serve as KCA membership boundaries. An individual membership shall have one (1) vote, a family membership shall have (2) votes, and a business membership shall have (1) vote.

The current bylaw:

Section 1. Membership shall be individual, family or business. A voting member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have her or his primary address (personal or business) located within the Keystone boundaries. An individual membership shall have one (1) vote, a family membership shall have (2) votes, and a business membership shall have (1) vote.

The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:

Section 1. Membership shall be individual, family or business. A voting member must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and have her or his primary physical address (personal or business) located within the Keystone boundaries. The KOCP boundaries will serve as KCA membership boundaries. An individual membership shall have one (1) vote, a family membership shall have (2) votes, and a business membership shall have (1) vote.

• The rationale for offering the amendment:

To define the KCA membership boundaries. By clarifying they are the same as the Keystone

Community Plan boundaries, it will assist membership chair and treasurer when new

members join our organization. It also eliminates potential legal issues by having both KCA

membership and KOCP boundaries the same in regards to potential zonings. By adding the

word physical to primary address, it does not allow PO boxes to be used as a primary

address. By underlining or in regards to “individual, family or business”, it brings attention that you can only have one of these memberships as already established in the original bylaw.




Section 3. Dues are payable on an annual basis. The amount of the dues shall be established by the Board with the approval of the general membership.

• The current bylaw:

Section 3. Dues are payable on an annual basis due on January 1st and delinquent on March 31st. The amount of the dues shall be established by the Board with the approval of the general membership.

• The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:

Section 3. Dues are payable on an annual basis. The amount of the dues shall be established by the Board with the approval of the general membership.

• The rationale for offering the amendment:

Historically we have made dues due on an annual basis based on the date a member joins.

Example: a member joins in June, therefore their dues are payable the following June.




Section 1. The Governing Board (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and up to nine (9) directors. There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote. The immediate past President following his/her term of office shall fill the position of ex-officio, with voting privileges, for a term of one (1) year. In the event the current President succeeds to another term, the past President may serve as a Director for an additional year.

• The current bylaw:

Section 1. The Governing Board (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and up to nine (9) directors.

The immediate past President following his/her term of office shall fill the position of ex-officio,

with voting privileges, for a term of one (1) year. In the event the current President succeeds to

another term, the past President may serve as a Director for an additional year.

• The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:

Section 1. The Governing Board (referred to as the Board or Board of Directors) shall

consist of the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and up to nine (9)

directors. There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of

Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote. The immediate past President following his/her term of office shall fill the position of ex-officio, with voting privileges, for a term of one (1) year. In the event the current President succeeds to another term, the past President may serve as a Director for an additional year.

  • The rationale for offering the amendment:

Per Article V Board of Directors found in the 1988 Articles of Amendment, the affairs of this

corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not less than 5 directors.




Section 3. A Quorum of the board must be present in order to conduct any business that

requires a vote. (A Quorum is calculated by counting half of the members present plus

one). There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of

Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote.

Virtual/Electronic meetings are allowed.

• The current bylaw:

Section 3. A Quorum of the board is seven (7) members. A quorum must be present in order

to conduct any business that requires a vote.

• The bylaw as it will read if the amendment is adopted:

Section 3. A Quorum of the board must be present in order to conduct any business that

requires a vote. (A Quorum is calculated by counting half of the members present plus

one). There must be a minimum of 5 directors (referred to as the Board or Board of

Directors) present in order to conduct any business that requires a vote. Virtual/Electronic

meetings are allowed.

• The rationale for offering the amendment:

A quorum of seven (7) members is based on a total of 13 members present. By eliminating

the seven (7) members requirement, it allows for a true quorum to conduct meetings if less

than 13 members are on the board and present at meetings. We have held ZOOM meetings

and had board members call in to participate in past meetings. The bylaw qualifies that

virtual/electronic meetings are allowed.

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